Welcome to Northeastern Nevada's first K-8 Free Public Charter School!
Serving Kindergarten through Eighth Grade

Click to register your student for our Lottery
EIAA is a public charter school. This means we use a lottery system to place students in our school. We have 2 classes per grade with 22 students in each class. Completing the registration through Lotterease does not guarantee your child a spot. Completing the registration places your student in a seat only if a seat is available. If there is not a seat available, completing the registration places your student on the waiting list for the current year or on next years list to be pulled during the lottery.
If you would like to see our school or have questions please visit 1031 Railroad St. Suite 107 in Elko. If you have questions you can contact our enrollment secretary Katy Miner at kminer@eiaanv.net or 738-3422.